Join our High-Level Forum on Solid Wood

A high-level forum on solid wood will be held during the FSC General Assembly 2017. The forum will provide an opportunity to discuss topics around solid wood with our expert speaker, architect Michael Green.

What is solid wood?

Solid wood is lumber milled directly from trees. Unlike plywood or composite wood materials that are made of wood fibres held together with adhesives or fillers, solid wood contains only wood fibres.

Solid wood is often used for furniture, construction, cabinetry, and flooring.

Solid wood pieces become more valuable over time as their quality is ageless. Solid wood has long-term durability and contributes to better acoustics in buildings.

Who is Michael Green?

To be held on Tuesday, 10 October from 2:30 to 4 p.m., the forum will include a 45-minute discussion led by Michael Green.

Michael Green is an architect who promotes the use of wood in the building environment. Based in Vancouver, he tries to contribute to meaningful and sustainable change in building through innovation in construction science and design.

According to Green: “Climate change and the need for more urban housing collide in a crisis that demands building solutions with low energy and low carbon footprints. Wood, unlike steel and concrete, sequesters carbon dioxide, storing it away for the life of the building it is in. As a renewable material, wood offers us a new way to think about our future.”

For Michael Green, the solution is quite simple: “Wood construction … is the answer to the question of how we will build climate neutral buildings to meet the world’s needs.”

Green lectures internationally to advocate on this subject and his TED talk on ‘Why we should build wooden skyscrapers’ has been viewed over a million times.

How to join the forum

Anyone can join the high-level forum – within the limits of available seating – and learn more about how FSC-certified solid wood can make a difference in green building.

Click here to learn more about the high-level forum. You can also view the entire programme of the FSC General Assembly 2017 through this link.