Conversion, Conservation and Restoration
Download documents:
- HCS Approach: putting No Deforestation and no forest conversion into practice
- Conversion, conservation and restoration (Statutory Motion 7, GA 2017) ‘Responding to Policy Motion 12 from GA 2014’
Room: SPB 3
During this session, speakers will present Motion 12 findings regarding the challenges and opportunities facing FSC with regards to conversion and restoration, and seek guidance on the development of a holistic policy regarding conversion and restoration.
We will present the revised Criterion 6.10 and the corresponding indicators, and present a proposal for developing a policy for conversion and corresponding normative documents, in order to holistically address conversion and restoration in FSC going forward.
- Lineu Siqueira Jr., Lineu Siqueira Consultoria Ltda, Brazil
- Aditya Bayunanda, WWF Indonesia
- John Palmer, Faculty of Forestry, UBC, Vancouver
- Aisyah Sileuw, Daemeter Indonesia
- Grant Rosoman, Greenpeace
- English
- Spanish