FSC Tools for Ecosystem Services Markets

Room: SPB 1

In its Global Strategic Plan 2015–2020, FSC commits to offering new tools to certificate holders so that they can access ecosystem services markets that result in increased net revenue for forest owners. This commitment is part of a broader strategy to increase the market value of FSC.

These new tools will help answer the global challenge that forest governance and economic systems in many parts of the world provide greater incentives for deforestation, forest degradation, and related social inequities than they do for responsible forest management.

New FSC ecosystem services tools will increase the confidence of governments, investors, buyers, and businesses in ecosystem services markets, and can be used to demonstrate the impact that investments have on preserving ecosystem services. These tools will offer forest owners and managers an additional incentive to become FSC-certified rather than pursue the short-term economic benefits of forest degradation, and an added economic sup-port for FSC certificate holders already managing their forests responsibly.

The new FSC ecosystem services tools include a procedure for demonstrating the impact of forest management activities on ecosystem services (FSC-PRO-30-006), as well as associated tools for accessing ecosystem services markets.

In this side event, FSC staff will present these new tools, which by the time of the General Assembly, will have been subject to one round of stakeholder consultation and extensive field testing. FSC partners that have participated in the development of these tools will relate their experiences and present the results of testing these tools in the field and in ecosystem service markets.

The event will end with a participatory discussion with members of some of the most promising opportunities for using these tools to support FSC’s global strategy.


  1. Chris Henschel, Programme Manager, Ecosystem Services, FSC International
  2. Pina Gervasi, Director, FSC Latin America Regional Office
  3. Aditya Bayunanda, Director of Policy, Sustainability and Transformation, WWF Indonesia
  4. Jamie Lawrence, Senior Sustainability Advisor – Forests, Kingfisher plc
  5. Lucio Brotto, Sustainable Investments Director, ETIFOR Srl
  6. Ana Young, FSC Chile

Event Timeslots (1)

Mon 9 Oct