Can P3 + P9 co-exist? Towards a better understanding of FPIC and HCV
Room: SPB 3
Arguably the most provocative topics in the social and environmental worlds right now are free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC) and high conservation values (HCV), respectively.
These two issues are what distinguish the FSC policies and standards from the rest – because the FSC system is dedicated to Indigenous Peoples’ and community rights, and environmental impacts and values.
Until recently, FSC was working on these issues in isolation from each other – two separate working groups developing guidance documents for forest managers. Today, these groups are in close discussions on overarching themes, with a firm eye on increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the FSC normative framework.
Can these two issues be brought together to work harmoniously within the FSC system?
Join the session to hear from forest managers who are expected to implement the guidance documents, representatives from the two working groups, the FSC Policy and Standards Committee, standard development groups, and communities.
Translation: English/Spanish
Open to all participants
1) Daniel Hall (HCV TWG member, USA)
2) John Cathro (HCV Guideline technical writer, Canada)
3) Isabel Garcia Drigo (HCV TWG member, Brazil)
4) Pamela Perreault (FPIC Guideline technical writer, Canada)
5) Tom van Loon (FPIC TWG member, Switzerland/Rep. of Congo)
6) Pablo Hauiquilao (PIPC member, Chile)