FSC and Carbon Footprints of bio-energy and other forest products

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Room: SPB 2

Promotion of energy production from forest biomass is disputed due to concerns about carbon debt and impacts on biodiversity. FSC finds itself in the middle of this controversy because certification is used to prevent the latter impact. A large scale increase for bio-energy can put more pressure on forests and have adverse effects for other uses. Should FSC have a clear position about bio-energy?

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Open to all participants


1) Chris Henschel, Manager FSC Ecosystems Services Programme
2) Janne Näräkkä, FSC Certification, Finnish Forest Industries
3) Gijs Breukink, WWF GFTN Responsible Forestry Coordinator
4) Carsten Huljus, CEO Sustainable Biomass Program.

Event Timeslots (1)

Wed 11 Oct