How to measure and communicate the results of FSC

Room: SPB 3
In addition to compliance with the FSC standards, certificate holders want to be able to communicate about the positive impacts FSC certification has for forest and people. During the 2014 FSC GA in Sevilla the Value and Impact Analysis (VIA) initiative was launched by three major industry players in the forest products value chain: IKEA, Kingfisher and Tetra Pak. The VIA Initiative has convened a congenial, multidisciplinary assembly of scientists and practitioners who debate, develop and endorse the best methods for synthesizing existing evidence to underpin communications. VIA engages professionals from academia, NGOs, sustainability standards and leading industries. The initiative has additional funding from IDH – Sustainable Trade Initiative, Precious Woods and SCA. To maintain the independence of the VIA endorsement body, this work is not coordinated through FSC nor FSC certificate holders, but through the ISEAL Alliance, the global membership association for sustainability standards. During the GA the different approaches to evaluate and to communicate FSC’s performance and impacts developed under this pilot initiative will be presented and discussed.
Translation: English/Spanish
- Judy Rodriguez, NepCon
- Lars Laestadius, Treetop Solutions, LLC
- Hans Djurberg, SCA
- Mikhail Tarasov, IKEA
- Johan Olausson, TetraPak
- Karin Kreider, ISEAL
- Elizabeth Kennedy, ISEAL
- Maira Devisscher, ISEAL
- Jamie Lawrence, Kingfisher
- Chris Eves, ZSL Zoological Society London
- Marion Karmann, FSC International