Indigenous Forests Forever: FSC Indigenous Engagement

Room: Cypress

Respectfully, we look forward to engaging with the full membership at our side event (which will replace our ‘PIPCV2’ working title). Please join us at:

Indigenous Forests Forever:  FSC Indigenous Engagement, Indigenous Cultural Landscapes, and Making our Mark on the 10th Year Anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples


The PIPC will report on activities to date, including challenges, opportunities, and innovations possible for FSC in collaboration with Indigenous Peoples.  Topics included will be Indigenous Cultural Landscapes/IFL, FPIC, Indigenous forest management best practices, and the increasingly competitive certification environment.  Forests for all forever!


PIPC, indigenous forest manager, indigenous technicians


  • English
  • Spanish
  • French

Event Timeslots (1)

Mon 9 Oct