The True Value of Forests
Acknowledging the full contribution that forests provide to society
Forests provide tremendous value not only to the local communities that inhabit them, to the economic actors that take out forest based products, or the final consumers that purchase and use them. The value of forests goes far beyond products: they are a crucial source of environmental, social, cultural and spiritual value for everyone on Earth.
This may seem an obvious truth. However, unsustainable practices throughout the world continue to put forest resources at great peril every day. The benefits derived from responsible management of forests are not valued as highly as the short-term gains from its destruction.
Forest resources are not limitless and we need to find ways to make society aware what is at stake if we don’t manage forests responsibly and coherently. How can we make sure that we use our knowledge of responsible forest management practices and take them to higher levels that allow us to reinvest their value for future generations?
This High Level Forum will explore the role that FSC can play as a voluntary certification scheme for responsible forest management in creating higher levels of understanding and appreciation of the true value of forests. FSC has the potential to be a crucial factor in safeguarding forests for future generations counting with the presence of key players representing the environmental, economic and social angles to provide for a lively and interesting debate.
Dr. Sadanandan Nambiar
Sadanandan Nambiar was Chief Research Scientist and Science Director of the former CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) Forestry and Forest Products. After retiring, he is now a Hon. Fellow in Forest Ecosystem Science Group, Canberra.
Research interests include: Sustainable Management of forests, especially plantation forests, for economic development and community benefits. Current focus on tropical countries. Sadanandan has a long record of leading research and application for advancing sustainable forestry, especially plantation and environmental forestry in Australia.
He has assisted over long term forestry development in sub-tropical and tropical forestry in Asia and South America. He is currently a Director of the Board of APFNet (Beijing). He is engaged in linking forestry for rural development and poverty alleviation in S E Asia.
Sadanandan has received several awards, including N W Jolly Medal from Australia, IUFRO Award, Distinguished Scientist Award from USA, Medal of Excellence from Commonwealth Forestry Association and Medal from Vietnam for services to Rural Development.
He was also honoured as an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) by the Governor General of Australia.
Peter Lantin,
President of the Haida Nation
Kil tlaats’ gaa, Peter Lantin was first elected President of the Haida Nation in 2012 and was re-elected in December 2015 for a second 3-year term. The Council of the Haida Nation is the political body of the Haida nation. As the primary spokesperson on behalf of the Haida Nation, kil tlaats’gaa is responsible for fulfilling the Council of the Haida Nation’s mandate, which is to “strive for full independence, sovereignty and self-sufficiency of the Haida Nation”.
With over 20 years experience in governance and administration, kil tlaats’gaa has served as chairman of the Gwaii Trust Society, an $80-million community trust fund, and Chief Operating Officer of Tricorp (Tribal Resources Investment Corporation) for 7 years.
Kil tlaats’gaa is 42 years old and calls Old Massett, Haida Gwaii home with two daughters, Taylor and Brooklyn.
Leadership comes from working hard, being honest, and listening with respect.
Per-Olof Sjöö
Per-Olof is the President of the Global Union Federation (GUF) Building and Wood Workers International (BWI), and is also the President of the Swedish Union of Forestry, Wood and Graphical Workers (GS-Facket). He was born in 1967 in Småland, Sweden and worked as a window carpenter at Elitfönster AB where he also became a shop steward for eight years. In 1996 he started his work as negotiation officer and two years later he became the responsible officer for national collective agreement for wood workers at Forest and Wood Workers Trade Union. From 2000 to 2009, Per-Olof was the head of bargaining department at the union until he was elected as President of GS – The Swedish Union of Forestry, Wood and Graphical Workers. He is also a Board member of LO Sweden (The Swedish Trade Union Confederation) and Chairs the LO-TCO Secretariat of International Trade Union Development Co-operation.
Per-Olof has extensive knowledge of the wood and forestry sectors and has been working on workers’ rights issues, sustainability, climate change and labour standards. In 2016 he was a speaker at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development in Quito, Ecuador on ‘Jobs and Livelihoods’.