Please note that the registration period is over.
FSC General Assembly 2017 – Vancouver (Canada)
The general assembly is the tri-annual meeting of FSC members. It is the organization’s highest decision making forum, gathering delegates from the environmental, social and economic chambers.
Issues that relate to the world’s responsible management of forests from an environmental, social and economic perspective are increasingly becoming of interest to society. The high profile characteristic of the general assembly, with numerous international members representing environmental and civil NGOs, social groups and businesses from all parts of the world confer it a unique appeal.
Media registration
Who is valid for media accreditation?
- Professional journalists currently employed by bona fide news media outlets who regularly report about (but not restricted to) environmental, social or ethical business news related to responsible forestry.
- Freelance reporters/writers employed or contributing to bona fide news media outlets or established blogs within the environmental sphere.
- Freelance reporters/writers who are members of national or international professional science writers’ organizations such as (but not limited to) the International Science Writers Association, Society of Environmental Journalists, National Association of Science Writers, Canadian Science Writers Association.
Any specific media accreditation requests that are not within the above scope will be considered on a case by case basis.
How to register as media
Accreditation application can be carried out prior to the event via the online web registration form (see below) or directly at the media registration desk at the venue until Tuesday the 10th of October. After that, media registration may be offered on a case by case basis by contacting the media office at the general assembly at the following address:
Please note that media applicants must be able to produce significant proof of media affiliation. This may include:
- A letter from the editor of the news outlet that the applicant represents briefly describing the news organisation, the role of the applicant within the organization and specifically assigning that person to cover the FSC 2017 general assembly.
- A copy of a media article published within the last six (6) months crediting the applicant with a byline.
- Freelance reporters/writers that are members of professional environmental journalism or science writers association must produce proof of membership.
- For broadcast media (Radio and TV), press card or letter from the editor of the news outlet and specifically assigning the applicant to cover the FSC 2017 general assembly.
Important information for Media/Press venue access
All persons with a media/press pass will have access to attend the side meetings and High Level Forums as well as the common spaces. Please note that certain events, such as Governance Review and Members Assembly, and meetings at the general assembly are restricted to FSC members only.
Questions related to media accreditation or individual interview requests must be submitted in writing to